Everything about Celery

Discover everything about Celery, the powerful task queue for managing asynchronous tasks in Python

Priyanshu Gupta
7 min readAug 14, 2024

In modern web applications, handling tasks asynchronously is essential for maintaining responsiveness and performance. Celery is a robust, distributed task queue written in Python that enables developers to execute tasks outside the main application flow. This guide provides a detailed overview of Celery, from its core concepts and architecture to practical use cases and advanced features. Whether you’re managing long-running computations or scheduling periodic tasks, Celery offers the tools and flexibility needed to build efficient and scalable systems.

What is Celery?

Celery is an open-source task queue system that allows you to execute work outside the Python web application’s HTTP request-response cycle. A task queue’s input is a unit of work called a task. Dedicated worker processes constantly monitor task queues for new work to perform.

Celery is written in Python, but the protocol can be implemented in any language. In addition to Python, there’s node-celery and node-celery-ts for Node.js, and a PHP client.

Key Features of Celery Task Scheduling: Schedule tasks to run at specific intervals. Concurrency: Run multiple tasks concurrently using multiprocessing or asynchronous I/O. Scalability: Easily scale worker processes to meet demand. Integration: Compatible with various message brokers and result backends.

Celery Architecture

Celery Architecture

Why use celery?

  • Third-Party API Calls: Offload long-running API calls to background tasks, ensuring the main application remains responsive.
  • High CPU-Intensive Tasks: Manage computationally heavy tasks asynchronously to free up resources for handling user requests.
  • Periodic/Scheduled Tasks: Use Celery Beat to schedule tasks at specific intervals for routine maintenance, data cleanup, and more.
  • Improving User Experience: Handle long-running tasks in the background to keep your application fast and responsive.

Why Celery Over Multithreading, Async, and Multiprocessing?

  • Scalability: Very easy to scale the celery workers and worker pools
  • Task Management: Provides built-in support for scheduling and managing tasks
  • Message Brokers: Integrates seamlessly with message brokers, eliminating the need for custom event consumption code.
  • Inbuilt Features: Includes features like automatic retries and dynamic pool control, simplifying task management.

Celery Components

Celery Worker

Execute tasks fetched from the message broker based on the configured execution pool and concurrency settings. When a task is queued, a Celery worker consumes the task and distributes it to an appropriate child process or thread for execution.

Message Broker

An external system that queues and delivers/distibutes tasks to Celery workers. Celery supports several message brokers, such as RabbitMQ, Redis, and Amazon SQS.

Result Backend

Celery supports various result backends for storing task results, including Redis, Memcached, Django ORM, Elasticsearch, MongoDB, Amazon S3, File system


The process of converting a task message into a format that can be sent over the network to the message broker and later de-serialized by the worker.

  • Supported Formats: pickle, JSON, YAML, msgpack
  • Compression Options: zlib, bzip2
  • Security: Supports cryptographic message signing to ensure the integrity and authenticity of task messages

Celery Modules

Celery(Core Module): The core module is responsible for task management and execution. It defines tasks, sends them to the message broker, and manages worker processes.


  • Task Definition: Define tasks in your application using decorators.
  • Task Queuing: Send tasks to a message broker for asynchronous processing.
  • Worker Coordination: Manage and coordinate worker processes to execute tasks.

Celery Beat: An optional scheduler that periodically sends tasks to the Celery worker queue.


  • Task Scheduling: Schedule tasks to run at specific intervals (e.g., daily, weekly) or at dedicated time.

Django Celery Results: A Django ORM-based result backend.


  • Result Storage: Store task results in a Django database.

Understanding Celery Workers

When you start a Celery worker on the command line via celery --app=..., you just start a supervisor process. The Celery worker itself does not process any tasks. It spawns child processes (or threads) and deals with all the book keeping stuff. The child processes (or threads) execute the actual tasks. These child processes (or threads) are collectively called the execution pool. This distribution ensures efficient handling of tasks and maximizes resource utilization.

The size of the execution pool determines the number of tasks your Celery worker can process concurrently.

When you start a celery worker, you specify the pool, concurrency, autoscale etc. in the command.

  • Pool: Determines the type of execution (thread, child process, worker itself etc.).
  • Concurrency: Decides the size of the pool.
  • Autoscale: Dynamically adjusts the pool size based on the load.

Example command: celery -A <project>.celery worker --pool=prefork --concurrency=5 --autoscale=10,3 -l info

Execution Pools

Celery worker supports following execution pool implementations:

  • prefork(multiprocessing)[default]
  • solo
  • threads(multithreading)
  • eventlet
  • gevent

When you normally start the celery worker using -

celery -A <project>.celery worker -l info

By default, pool => prefork and concurrency => no. of cores.

Prefork Pool

  • based on Python’s multiprocessing package
  • allows your Celery worker to side-step Python’s Global Interpreter Lock and fully leverage multiple processors on a given machine.
  • use the prefork pool if your tasks are CPU bound.
  • The number of available cores limits the number of concurrent processes.
  • It only makes sense to run as many CPU bound tasks in parallel as there are CPUs available.
  • That’s why celery defaults to the number of CPUs available on the machine, if the –concurrency argument is not set.

Command -

celery -A <project>.celery worker -l info

Solo Pool

  • neither threaded nor process-based
  • not even a pool as it is always solo
  • contradicts the principle that the worker itself does not process any tasks
  • The solo pool runs inside the worker process
  • runs inline which means there is no bookkeeping overhead
  • This makes the solo worker fast. But it also blocks the worker while it executes tasks.
  • But it also blocks the worker while it executes tasks.
  • In this concurrency doesn’t make any sense.

Command -

celery -A <project>.celery worker --pool=solo -l info

Thread Pool

  • Uses Python Multithreading concept
  • Uses threading module of python
  • Not much official support

Command — celery -A <project>.celery worker --pool=threads -l info


  • Ex — to execute thousands of HTTP GET requests to fetch data from external REST APIs.
  • The bottleneck is waiting for an Input/Output operation to finish not CPU.
  • two thread-based execution pools: eventlet and event.
  • To be precise, both eventlet and gevent use greenlets and not threads.
  • There are implementation differences between the eventlet and gevent packages.

Command -

pip install gevent/eventlet

celery -A <project>.celery --pool=[gevent/eventlet] worker -l info

Difference between greenlets and threads

  • Python’s threading library makes use of the system’s native OS to schedule threads. This general-purpose scheduler is not always very efficient.
  • It makes use of Python’s global interpreter lock to make sure shared data structures are accessed by only one thread at a time to avoid race conditions.
  • Greenlets emulate multi-threaded environments without relying on any native operating system capabilities.
  • Greenlets are managed in application space and not in kernel space.
  • In greenlets, no scheduler pre-emptively switches between your threads at any given moment. Instead, your greenlets voluntarily or explicitly give up control to one another at specified points in your code.
  • Thus greenlets are more scalable and efficient.
  • Less RAM is required in greenlets.

Optimal Number of Workers and Pool Size

When using the multiprocessing/prefork pool in Celery, having more pool processes is generally better. However, there is a point where adding more pool processes can negatively impact performance. In some cases, running multiple worker instances can perform better than a single worker with many pool processes. For example, three workers with ten pool processes each. The optimal configuration varies based on application specifics, workload, task run times, and other factors. Experimentation is key to finding the best numbers for your setup.

Usecases of having multiple workers

  • Horizontal Scaling: Distribute workers across different machines.
  • CPU Core Utilization: Utilize CPU cores effectively with multiple workers on the same machine, especially when using thread/gevent/eventlet/solo pools.
  • Dedicated Task Queues: Workers can listen to different queues, allowing for dedicated workers for specific types of tasks.
  • Load Distribution in Prefork Pool: Distribute the load of child process management across multiple parent worker processes.

Choosing the Right Execution Pool

  • I/O-Intensive Tasks: Use threads, gevent, or eventlet.
  • Preferred Choice: Gevent is highly efficient for I/O-bound tasks due to its widespread use and comprehensive documentation. It offers high concurrency with minimal overhead, making it ideal for tasks like handling numerous simultaneous network requests or other I/O operations.
  • CPU-Intensive Tasks: Use the prefork pool to leverage multiple processors and bypass Python’s Global Interpreter Lock (GIL).
  • Windows Platform: Use the solo pool. The Celery documentation explicitly states that “Celery is a project with minimal funding, so we don’t support Microsoft Windows. Please don’t open any issues related to the platform.”

You might encounter challenges with Gevent in production. If you face issues and cannot find solutions, consider switching to the thread pool.

By carefully considering the nature of your tasks and the capabilities of your deployment environment, you can configure Celery workers and execution pools to achieve optimal performance and scalability for your application.


Celery is an indispensable tool for Python developers looking to implement asynchronous task processing in their applications. Its flexibility, scalability, and rich feature set make it suitable for a wide range of use cases, from handling heavy computational tasks to scheduling periodic jobs. By integrating Celery into your system design, you can significantly enhance the performance and responsiveness of your applications, providing a better experience for your users. Whether you’re a seasoned developer or just starting, mastering Celery is a valuable skill that can elevate your backend development capabilities.

👉 For Celery Django Integration, use this github repo: https://github.com/priyanshu2015/celery-with-django

👉 Video Explanation: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLz6Bi1mIXhHKA1Szy2aj9Jbs6nw9fhNY



Priyanshu Gupta
Priyanshu Gupta

Written by Priyanshu Gupta

Software Engineer & System Architect | Mentored 10k+ People | Website- priyanshuofcl.com

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